William Saab: Poet of the Eternal Issues

It includes an introduction, 5 chapters, a conclusion and bibliographic notes." data-share-imageurl="https://iohanes.uob-dh.org/sites/default/files/pic0013.jpg">
تاريخ النشر: 
William Saab: Poet of the Eternal Issues. By Dr. Adib Saab. Published by the Institute of History, Archeology and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Balamand, 2015. Cataloging in Publication data by the University library.
It includes an introduction, 5 chapters, a conclusion and bibliographic notes.
The Man and his Works
 Poetic Objectives I
Poetic Objectives II
His Rhetorical style
Standardization of Arabic colloquialisms
It is mentioned in an introduction to the book that its publication coincided  with the Digital Humanities project for  producing a complete  digital copy of William Saab’s magazine of popular folk poetry “ al Bulbul”  (1933- 1975). The book and the magazine together constitute a reference and a source for the study of folk literature which has become a subject taught at universities.

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