Al Balamand Tarikh wa Turath (Balamand, History and Heritage)
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Al Balamand Tarikh wa Turath (Balamand, History and Heritage) is a Joint publication by Dar an Nahar and the University of Balamand in 1995 in French: Blamand Histoire et Patrimoine by Suad Slim. The Monastery was built by the Cistercian monks eight decades ago on a hill overlooking the see which they called Bellmont.
Dr. Suad Slim’s book about this monastery contains an introduction, a poem by Nadia Tueni followed by a history of the founding of the monastery by the Cistercian fathers, its transfer to the Orthodox Church, its growth, and the spiritual life within it. Part two of the book deals with the initial architectural structure and the later additions as an Orthodox monastery. The third part deals with the material heritage of the monastery, its manuscripts, icons, and the church vessels. There is also an exposition about the different stages of the School of Balamand. The photos in the book are by Huda Kassatly, Raif Nassif, and Samir Rubeiz.
Balamand – History – Landmarks.
Balamand – History – Landmarks.