1860: History and Memory of a Conflict
1860: History and Memory of a Conflict is published by the University of Balamand , Saint Joseph University and IFPO and is the works of a conference of the same name held in Beirut 5-7 October 2011. The publication was sponsored by the French Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and the support of the Lebanese Renaissance Foundation
The committee that directed the works of the conference included:
Nadine Picaudou: Universite de Paris-Sorbonne
Dima de Clerck: Universite de Paris- Sorbonne
Carla Edde: Universite saint Joseph
Naila Kaidbey: American University of Beirut
Nadine Meouchy: Intitut Francais du Proche-Orient)
Souad Slim: University of Balamand
Suleiman Takieddine: Union des Ecrivains Libanaise.
Cover picture: Chief of the Druze cavalry of Emir melhem Arslan ( Charles Lalleemand Collection). Copyright: Bibliotheque Orientale, USJ, Beirut. Book dedicated to the memory of Sulayman Takieddine(1952-2015).
After the opening and welcoming words the articles are divided into three parts:
Part 1: The event: Different Perspectives
Part II : The event as seen through the documents and testimonies of the times
Part III: Comprehending the event through law, history, and collective memory.
Academics from Lebanese universities and from abroad participated in this conference. Some of the titles :
The events of 1860 in Damascus and its Suburbs by Abdallah Hanna
The Meyhem of 1860: Druze Particpants, By Naila Kaidbey
The Druze memory of 1860 by Suleiman Takieddine
History and the uses of the memory of the conflict by Bernard Heyberger
The 1860 crises of Mount Lebanon in the judicial texts: the quest for an irreproachable humanitarian intervention by Pascal HarrenThe works of this conference were published in a book of the same title
The committee that directed the works of the conference included:
Nadine Picaudou: Universite de Paris-Sorbonne
Dima de Clerck: Universite de Paris- Sorbonne
Carla Edde: Universite saint Joseph
Naila Kaidbey: American University of Beirut
Nadine Meouchy: Intitut Francais du Proche-Orient)
Souad Slim: University of Balamand
Suleiman Takieddine: Union des Ecrivains Libanaise.
Cover picture: Chief of the Druze cavalry of Emir melhem Arslan ( Charles Lalleemand Collection). Copyright: Bibliotheque Orientale, USJ, Beirut. Book dedicated to the memory of Sulayman Takieddine(1952-2015).
After the opening and welcoming words the articles are divided into three parts:
Part 1: The event: Different Perspectives
Part II : The event as seen through the documents and testimonies of the times
Part III: Comprehending the event through law, history, and collective memory.
Academics from Lebanese universities and from abroad participated in this conference. Some of the titles :
The events of 1860 in Damascus and its Suburbs by Abdallah Hanna
The Meyhem of 1860: Druze Particpants, By Naila Kaidbey
The Druze memory of 1860 by Suleiman Takieddine
History and the uses of the memory of the conflict by Bernard Heyberger
The 1860 crises of Mount Lebanon in the judicial texts: the quest for an irreproachable humanitarian intervention by Pascal HarrenThe works of this conference were published in a book of the same title

5-7 تشرين الأوّل 2011