al-Ḥaqāiʼq al-wafīyah fī tārīkh Baṭārikat al-Kanīsah al-Anṭākīyah
He presented a new model of history writing for that time." data-share-imageurl="">
تاريخ النشر:
This book by Mikhai’l Burayk is one of the important sources for the history of the Antiochian church. The author based his book on primary sources and eyewitnesses to give a clear picture of the history of the church, its patriarchs, secessions, and heresies from the times of the apostle Peter, to the end of the 18th century.
He presented a new model of history writing for that time. Writing that does not stop with the local history, but looks also at events taking place in the European countries and merges together religious and racial affiliations. He does not only relate the news, but he analyzes it to learn from it. Burayk was ordained an Orthodox deacon in 1748. Later he became the minister and vicar of the monastery of Saydnayah. He also wrote Tārīkh al-Shām, in which he discusses the status of the Christians in Damascus.
Antioch – Patriarchate – History – manuscript editing – Personalities

Antioch – Patriarchate – History – manuscript editing – Personalities
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