Materiel de la Vie Rurale: Lexique Trilingue de la Collection d’Objets Ethnographiqued de l’Universte de Balamand. Published in 2013 by the University of Balamand and Al-Ayn editions.
Al Balamand Tarikh wa Turath (Balamand, History and Heritage) is a Joint publication by Dar an Nahar and the University of Balamand in 1995 in French: Blamand Histoire et Patrimoine by Suad Slim. The Monastery was built by the Cistercian monks eight decades ago on a hill overlooking the see which they called Bellmont.
Al Makhtutat al Arabiyah fi al adyirah al orthodoxiyah, al Intakiyah fi Lubnan 2. Balamand (Arabic archives in the Antiochian Orthodox Monasteries in Lebanon).v. 2. Balamand Monastery. Published in 1994 by Center of Antiochian Orthodox Studies.
William Saab: Poet of the Eternal Issues. By Dr. Adib Saab. Published by the Institute of History, Archeology and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Balamand, 2015. Cataloging in Publication data by the University library.